Recent Daily article is offensive

M. Kayt Sunwood

I can’t believe that the Daily printed the article highlighting David Hansen’s inflammatory e-mail posting parodying the Sept 29th Movement and other expressions of students’ feelings on campus.

Feelings on campus are already HOT enough.

It was totally irresponsible to print an article with a headline that I’m sure is taken as a complete SLAM by anyone associated with the September 29th Movement, or anyone who has any feelings about the seriousness of the issues that our campus is dealing with.

Where are your heads????

The tone of the headline and the whole front page portion of that article are offensive and objectionable.

Trivializing something that is so important and vital to the campus community is, as I said, totally irresponsible.

I can’t believe that intelligent, responsible people wouldn’t realize that such blatant disregard for diversity at ISU is inappropriate and paramount to throwing gasoline on a burning fire.

I am shocked and dismayed!

M. Kayt Sunwood

Graduate Student and Instructor

Curriculum and Instruction