There’s no attack on ‘traditional values’

Josh Garrett

On Dec. 10, “Preserving Traditions” by Christian Reynolds was printed in the Daily.

I think Mr. Reynolds needs to do a little research before stating that same-sex marriages should be banned from the United States.

I don’t think, for one, that white heterosexual men are being told they are wrong and should go to hell. You DO NOT hear people actually saying that. Have you ever been called names due to being straight?

Seriously, grow up. Any type of discrimination is wrong.

Comparing Mountain Dew to Gay Civil Rights is way off the wall.

Is it fair that I be discriminated from housing, getting a job, or having benefits from my significant other due to such a minor part of my life?

I don’t believe so and I feel most people do agree.

The United States Constitution guarantees the pursuit of happiness to everyone. It does not read: “We the Straight People of United States…,” It says: “We the People of the United States…”

Everyone has a constitutional right to pursue what they feel fit as long as it does not infringe upon others.

If you choose to with a man or a woman, that is your choice. No one has any right to judge you for who you love.

The statement Mr. Reynolds stated that granting gay marriage rights will pave the way for destruction of society as we know it. I don’t really believe that this will happen.

Gays have NOT ever contributed to this in the first spot. Heterosexual couples are doing this to themselves.

Honey, you need to get over the “traditional nuclear family” also.

Only 25 percent of American families are in that category. Not ever have gays contributed to that rate.

I think marriage of gay couples won’t contribute to this.

The only real reason most gay couples are fighting for marriage rights is for the benefits.

Insurance, retirement plans, tax breaks and other benefits are the reason we are fighting for these basic marriage rights.

I’m not even going to get on the topic of children.

Also Mr. Reynolds, I think I might know a couple of “them gay people,” and I think you do have a problem with people who are gay and trying to pursue happiness.

We are not attacking any traditional values. If you think that traditional values from the 1700s are serving the United States well, then you must believe in slavery and discrimination on basis of race and gender.

No one is threatening your traditional morals.

You are able to do what you choose and long as it doesn’t infringe on others. The same goes for everyone. I don’t think a gay marriage is going to have a real effect on you.

Don’t worry, after awhile you’ll get used to it.

Josh Garrett


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