Do I chance it, or take the stereo home?

Brian Klein

One common worry of many students when leaving the dorms for Christmas vacation is whether to leave their valuable belongings behind.

Moving bulky objects such as a television or stereo equipment can be inconvenient while trying to pack and transport them. There is also a risk of damaging equipment when moving it, but because they are so expensive some students don’t want to leave them behind.

Colleen Whitty, a sophomore in the Richardson Court Association, said leaving valuable belongings behind is not an issue of security. “It just depends on whether I’m gonna need to use them over break or not.”

Some students are not as worried about losing valuable possessions.

Bob Carr, a junior in the Towers Residence Association, said he has left valuables behind before and nothing has happened to them.

Residents, except those living on continuous floors (whose members are allowed to stay through the winter break), have to be out of the dorms by 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 21. In addition to packing their bags, residents also have to make some small changes to their rooms for the three-week vacation.

* To prevent power surges, all electrical outlets are to be unplugged.

* Refrigerators are to be unplugged and the doors are to be left open.

* All items susceptible to heat or cold should be moved away from the windows and heat vents.

* The waste baskets are to be emptied.

* The windows are to be locked shut.

* All items that may be obstructing the heat vents need to be removed.

* Lights are to be turned off.

* The door needs to be locked.

After each student checks out of his or her room, the resident assistant checks each room to make sure everything is taken care of properly.

The residence halls are not responsible for any stolen property or damages done while the students are gone.

If a student is concerned about something being stolen or damaged, they are recommended to take it with them over break.