Study abroad a rewarding experience

Trevor Nelson

I am responding to the article “ISU graduation rates slipping” which ran in the Thursday, November 21 issue of the Iowa State Daily.

It states that “Marriage, study abroad programs or a switch in majors can also delay graduation beyond six years.”

The reader could only conclude from reading this that study abroad is a major factor in significantly delaying a student’s graduation.

This is simply not true!

Since the majority of ISU students who participate in study abroad programs do so during the summer months, the impact of studying abroad would, if anything, reduce the length of time needed to graduate.

Further, careful planning can eliminate the need to extend graduation plans even for those interested in studying abroad for a year or more than once.

Given the reality of instant world-wide communication systems, the ability to circumnavigate the globe in a matter of hours, and interdependence of nations, the need for our students to study abroad has never been greater. It is unfortunate that at a time like this misconceptions about study abroad continue to be propagated.

I would encourage students to consider how they might incorporate a study or work abroad experience into their academic program.

Study abroad does not necessarily mean delaying graduation and is often the most significant and rewarding educational and personal experience students will have while in college.

Trevor Nelson

Coordinator of Study Abroad

Iowa State University