Reactions to a Coke-only campus

Survey By Tracy Lucht

Peter Truog


Finance, management of information systems

“I noticed that a little while ago. It’s kind of irritating. I think a vending contract is kind of ridiculous. We’re here to open our minds. We should have a little diversity.”

Annette Wohlers


Elementary education

“I drink Diet Coke. I think it should be equal. I think they should have both machines, because I think people are split about what they like to drink. I think it’s up to the school … but I do think they should at least give Pepsi a chance.”

Jim Long



“There should be Pepsi products. I don’t know the specifics of the contract. I’d probably have to know more about that.”

Jessica Jordan


Exercise science

“Mountain Dew keeps you going at night. I think it would be nice because you’d have more of a selection. But it may be hard to have those competitors at the same time. Whatever’s good for the university, is good for us.”

Caycee Pearson


Apparel merchandising, production and design

“I don’t care. I think [a vending contract] is dumb. If there were more competition, it might make stuff cheaper.”

Heather McClure


Journalism and mass communication

“I’d have to say Mountain Dew, but otherwise I have no opinion. I’m a Coke drinker. [A contract] is okay with me.”