SUB and International Week equal myriad of events

Renee Uecker

Student Union Board, in conjunction with International Week, is bringing programs of education, entertainment, and cultural enrichment into the lives of Iowa State students.

On Sunday, Nov. 10 Ames Few Dance & Theatre Co. will be performing at 6 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. The performance will be a mixture of both theater and dance numbers.

According to Neelika Perreira, SUB Cultural Director, “[The company] is very diverse with many different cultural influences including African and Caribbean. It should be very enjoyable.”

The performance will be held during a food fest so people will also have the option of purchasing a variety of foods while they are enjoying the performance.

Assistant professor of history Modupe Labode will be participating in International Week and will be speaking on the effects of colonization in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 11.

“I heard her speak on this topic once before and was amazed. She’s a very engaging speaker and is able to bring a formidable subject to life,” Perreira said.

Another event SUB is co-sponsoring is Creative Writers and Poets Night on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. in the Gallery in the Memorial Union. The night will offer different perspectives on culture and diversity through the readings of about nine other people.

“People tend to believe that their own cultures are the most desirable, ” Perreira said. “And, being exposed to a different culture is the only way you’re going to open your mind to others. These events will offer a rare opportunity to see a diverse group of people all together in one room.”