Who’s telling the truth?

Editorial Board

Well, we’re glad this whole mess has been settled.

The mess in question is last month’s mock election sponsored jointly by the Daily and the Government of the Student Body.

During the mock election, circumstances and evidence led ballot counters to believe that the mock election results had been tampered with. Someone apparently stuffed the ballot box in favor of Republican Jim Ross Lightfoot.

Lightfoot won the mock election but lost the real Senate race to Tom Harkin.

As a result, Daily Editor in Chief Chris Miller threw out the results.

And now, the answer to who stuffed the box has been revealed… sort of…

GSBPresident Adam Gold has said that the person responsible for tampering with the mock election was Eric Hower, a member of the Lightfoot campaign.

Well, glad that’s resolved.

But hold a moment.

Todd Henderson, a member of Gold’s Presidential Cabinet until he resigned last week, has said that it was “high-ranking people in GSB” who stuffed the box.

Henderson is the fifth person to quit Gold’s cabinet, and his resignation came on the heels of Gold’s meeting with the executive board of the College Republicans, which Henderson said Gold attended uninvited.

“Adam came to the meeting to quiet the story that would reflect poorly on him,” Henderson said.

Not so, Gold says.

So, for those following along at home, the scorecard reads as follows:

State officials have said that no ISUstudents were involved in the tampering.

Gold says the blame lies at the feet of Hower.

Henderson says high-level GSB representatives stuffed the box.

Well, we’re glad that’s all settled.