Which candidate gets your vote?

Amanda Knief

Michael Panos



“I’m voting for Bob Dole because he is a better leader than Clinton. Dole has a more respectable character; Clinton had his chance.”

Yasan Gooding

Graduate Student

Higher Education

“Clinton — because he has been instrumental in focusing on tougher issues such as abortion and the right to choose, gay rights, affirmative action, looking at Medicare and lowering the deficit.”

Richard Mansbach


Political Science

“I’m voting for Clinton. I’m influenced by the fact that Bob Dole has run one of the most incompetent campaigns, and the Republican party has capitulated to social right-wingism.”

Joy Ferguson



“Bob Dole and the Republicans because my major issue is abortion — I’m against it. I differ on other issues, but that’s the one I feel strongest about.”

Kent Jaeger


Electrical Engineering

“Howard Phillips — he’s got a lot of really good platforms, and the Republicans and Democrats are about the same. It would be good to break out of the two-party mentality.”

Kendra Trobaugh



“I’m voting for Clinton because he represents my age group better. Bob Dole is out of touch with the issues.”