Iowa State is lucky to have Rollins

Sydney Pounds and Shane Leach

An unfortunate consequence of the Catt Hall issue is the criticism directed at Dr. Derrick Rollins.

As two former students in several of Dr. Rollins’ classes, we’d like to talk about the professor that we know. He’s the kind of professor who won’t turn away a female student who is looking for a research opportunity and wants to work for him.

He believes so strongly in mentoring women in engineering and science that he has allowed nearly 30 undergraduate and graduate students into his research group, 90 percent of whom are women.

He will schedule three review sessions before a test simply because one or two students can’t make it to the other sessions. His focus is on the student. Drop by his office during non-designated office hours and you’ll still be welcome. He won’t quit working with you until you’ve mastered the concept.

He gets to know his students at the personal level. Lectures are never dull. He always involves all students by using them in demonstrations and calling on them for participation. Not only is he a good instructor, but he is also a nationally known scholar. He has won numerous awards for both his teaching and research.

People may disagree about the Catt Hall issue, but there should be no question about Dr. Derrick Rollins.

He’s one of the finest professors on our campus.

Sydney Pounds


Chemical engineering

Shane Leach


Industrial engineering