Computers are for college students

Casey Schuetz

I wish to comment on the article entitled, “Have computer labs gone all ages.” Since I am an out-of-state student, my parents and I are used to paying a great deal of money to the university.

However, I must draw the line at high school folks using the computers in Durham for free.

I understand the need for a computer for school projects and typing papers, so I am not completely unsympathetic to the AHS students.

But, if all ISU students have to pay some sort of fee, then the AHS students should pay as well.

Another idea that was tossed around was to make EVERY computer on campus password encrypted.

This way, every ISU student would be able to work without being bothered by a group of high school students playing DOOM.

Those who actually have a legitimate need to use the labs will then be more motivated to pay a fee to gain access to the computers.

Is this unfair to AHS students? I do not think so.

The fee system and passwords will keep out people who just want to play games. I realize this may sound harsh, but it needs to be done.

Casey Schuetz


Meteorology/Environmental Studies