Doesn’t take a rocket scientist

Scott Miller

James Seidel’s ridiculous Oct. 24 letter and his tenuous logic have to be answered.

He bases an argument against equal rights for gays on a premise that he claims is true merely because he says so. Surely he must see how silly that is. Did he think maybe nobody would notice?

He says rights aren’t rights unless they’re guaranteed in the Constitution. Well, that would be constitutional rights, one kind of right. But there are other kinds of rights in the world. Moral rights come to mind.

Also, the Constitution does guarantee that all Americans should be treated equally under the law. So even though there may not be a specific reference in the Constitution to marriage or to employment, if laws are concerned, then all Americans must be treated equal.

And that pretty much covers everything gays and lesbians are concerned about — marriage, tax codes, medical coverage, child custody, inheritance rights, job security, etc. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that, does it?

Scott Miller

St. Louis, MO