A quick word of thanks

James L. Melsa

To Iowa State University Students:

Thank you…

* for taking the time to care

* for having an impact on the lives of

those in need

* for building a strong foundation for

student involvement in our


* for strong leadership

“A million penny drive,” “build your own sundae,” and bake sales at various colleges — these activities demonstrate the values students at Iowa State University possess.

On behalf of the faculty, staff, administration and United Way of Story County, we’re extremely proud of our students and sincerely thank you for supporting the ISU United Way Campaign.

We know the real winners are the agencies and individual recipients of human services.

You have helped us in our endeavor to shoot for the moon (Goal: $160,000).

Even if we miss the moon, you students will be among the stars.

James L. Melsa


College of Engineering


ISU United Way Campaign