Give something back

Thulitha Wickrama

I am writing concerning the recent controversy over Ames High school students using campus computers.

I believe our fellow city high school students should be allowed to use campus computers during “after-hours,” such as after five or six in the afternoon.

Of course, Iowa State students should be given first priority at our own facilities.

I think if we ask these high school students to use the computers in a responsible manner and tell them to give first priority to Iowa State students, there should be no problem.

I say this because I’ve seen time after time that computer centers at Iowa State are virtually EMPTY during the so-called “after-hours.”

For those of you not sure what the word EMPTY means, it means that nobody is there! Nobody is using the computers! Technology is going to waste! Do we really want to turn our backs on the day-after-tomorrow’s leaders?!!

Believe me, if an eager high schooler uses a computer that nobody is using, it won’t hurt us.

If you want a selfish reason for doing this, you can say to yourself, “I want to make the most of my buck, so I’m not letting technology go to waste!” But if you want a BETTER reason for doing this, say to your self: “I’m giving something back to my community!!”

Thulitha Wickrama

