How can you not love ’em?

Cade Remsburg

Well, after yet another close Iowa State football loss on Saturday, the only words I have to say are “I told ya so.”

However, after so many close losses, I have heard some stupid people crying that Dan McCarney is a terrible coach and he should be fired now.


We are still in the rebuilding process and I like to compare our beloved Cyclones to the Washington Redskins.

Yes, the same Redskins who are the talk of the NFL, and tied for first place in the NFC East.

Last year, the Redskins lost a lot of close games, but learned from their experiences and turned those losses into victories and appear to be playoff-bound.

With an easier schedule and more experience, I expect the Cyclones to emulate the Redskins next year. So go out and enjoy the Clones because they are only a step away.

However, there are still fans out there, the fair-weathered fans, who are only interested in the institution of winning.

To them I say go forth and watch our hockey team.

How can you not love a team that hasn’t even lost a game yet?

Not only that, our team is consistently a top ten team and this year looks as promising as any to take it all.

Perhaps you need more motivation to make you go to a game where heaters overhang the bleachers to keep fans warm.

Well, then how about beer? That’s right, hockey fans don’t have to endure the stuffy university rules that beer not be sold at their events, because they are a club, and not a team.

That enables our hockey fans not to be more than boring rah-rah basketball fans, but rather the most fun, rowdy and enthusiastic crowd I have ever been associated with.

The fans are ingenious in thinking up several chants that you probably wouldn’t want the kiddies to hear, but are great if you are just looking to have a little or a lot of fun.

Not only that, but you can genuinely like these people, they are fun-loving and joyous, rather than idiotic drunks.

The hockey games have that small stadium attraction that baseball seems to be searching for with every new stadium it builds.

The tickets will barely even break your pocketbook, at around $5 a pop, it makes hockey a great value.

Especially compared to the pros, where hockey is all the rage and the most expensive ticket in professional sports.

To top it all off, hockey is the coolest game on earth.

So let’s all jump on the hockey bandwagon and support a real winner.

Cade Remsburg is a senior in journalismand mass communication from Ames.