Homer’s creator may come here

Renee Uecker

The Simpsons might be coming to campus.

Well, actually the creator of the show, Matt Groening, might be bringing them to campus. At Monday night’s Student Union Board meeting, Rob Wiese, forum director for SUB, discussed a plan to bring “The Simpsons” television show’s creator to the Maintenance Shop via satellite next week.

On Thursday, Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the M-Shop in the Memorial Union there will be an opportunity to see how the television series is put together.

The program will be sponsored by both SUB and the ISU Committee on Lectures.

The Museum of Television and Radio will be connecting Iowa State and other universities via satellite to the masterminds of the popular Fox television show.

“It will be a live seminar with the members of the creative team of the show, including the creator Matt Groening and many of the people who do voices on the show,” Wiese said.

“The program isn’t going to be interactive. You won’t be able to talk to the people, but it should be interesting to see how the show has evolved over time,” he said.

In other action

*Finalized plans for International Week 1996, “Rhythm of Nations,” were discussed. The scheduled events to be held in the Memorial Union include:

A forum on Monday, Nov. 11, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Pioneer Room with Dr. Modupa Labode as the guest speaker.

On Tuesday, Nov. 12, there will be a forum on “UNICEF on the Eyes of Children” at 12:00 p.m. in the Pioneer Room.

Wednesday, Nov. 13, the YMCA will present “Friends or Family First” at 12:00 p.m. in Room 248. Also, at 8:00 p.m. Harriet Mayor Fulbright is scheduled to lecture about “Legacy of the Fulbright Program for International Understanding” in the Sun Room.

On Thursday, Nov. 14 there will be a cultural artifacts display from noon-4:00 p.m. in the Great Hall.

Friday there will be “Ports of Call” in the Sloss House from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Students will be able to sample various snacks from around the world.

Friday there will also be a grand finale in the Great Hall where a variety of international students will be performing.

*Preliminary plans for AIDS Awareness Week are getting underway. Denise Swanson, SUB Fine Arts Director, said they are in the process of acquiring a print for the silent auction that is scheduled to be held.

There are only 1,500 copies of the print in existence and there is one available in Story County. The print, titled “One More Star,” is anticipated to be the main attraction at the auction.

AIDS Awareness Week will be held Dec. 1-6.