Give ’em a break

Editorial Board

There have been some complaints over whether non-Iowa State students should have access to the computer labs.

As an institution for learning, facilities here are well-equipped to handle student needs for a nominal fee.

We are lucky to have these resources, and should not be so selfish with them.

If a student from an elementary or secondary school does not have the ability or access to necessary resources for schoolwork, the university should be there to help them, not turn them away.

Junior high students should have access to library books at Parks Library.

Fifth-graders should be able to use practice rooms in the music building. An empty classroom should be available to to a high school junior cramming for a test. Computers in the computer lab should be available for anyone who needs them.

Perhaps an ISU student access code can be used to register all users, while high school students log in as guests. There could also be sign-up sheets for non-students to help monitor who has been there.

For the most part, however, it is rare when all computers in all labs are taken at one time.

Iowa State students should have precedence for computer usage, but other students need the same opportunities to learn in today’s high-tech world. The university belongs to anyone who walks through its doors.

Give high school students a break, they need to learn for their futures, too.