Recapture our innocence

Editorial Board

Iowa’s first snowfall of the year usually brings feelings of nostalgia to those who have grown up in the northern Midwest.

Days of fun and frolic replaced school during snow days and everyone was willing to sacrifice an extra spring day later. Summer vacation? That’s forever away!

A cup of hot chocolate or a bowl of Malt-O-Meal was all that was needed to let the imagination go.

A snow fort became impenetrable. Snow angels could almost fly.

It was a whole new world and no one had to leave the back yard.

Do you remember? Do you really remember it all?

College snow days are a little different. The imagination is used less and beer is used more. Bars are packed while the streets are empty

People need to recapture their youths sometimes.

Understand what it is to have unbridled fun and let things go. Consequences are minor.

If the king or queen of the mountain is de-throned, just climb back on and try again.

Anymore, some students spend their time in bars doing shots to warm the gut instead of using oatmeal. Snow becomes a barrier to the beer.

A beer-induced stumble down the stairs may be a little more painful on a college snow day, and usually mittens provide little protection during these falls.

Why not spend a day at play instead of a day inebriated?

Go sledding, or “sliding” as some Minnesotans call it. If you’ve lost the edge, several moments of paralyzing fear while shooting down a steep snow-covered hill will help to get it back.

The point is, the passions experienced during youth are things that shouldn’t be lost over time.

People should recapture their innocence while they still can.

And a snow day is the perfect start.