Harkin out of touch

Peg Mouw

We visited the Capital Building in Des Moines this weekend. As we entered the right-hand door of the main entrance to the building, we saw on the wall directly ahead, in great big gold letters, the words “Nothing is politically right which is morally wrong.”

Maybe Senator Harkin should come visit more often to absorb some of Iowa’s wisdom.

In a letter to me dated October 4, 1996, Senator Tom Harkin referred to his reliance on “the common sense of his constituents.” Perhaps he should have relied on us more heavily since his Director of Communications, Michelle Hall, told me that 90 percent of those who contacted his office asked him to override President Clinton’s veto of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban.

How much common sense does it take to know that jamming a pair of scissors into the base of a baby’s skull and sucking its brains out as it’s being born in no way benefits the health and future child-bearing ability of the “mother.”

With all due respect to Senator Harkin, since his letter referred to his concern as to what’s “in the best interest of all Iowans, let’s ask Jim Lightfoot to represent us in the Senate and allow Senator Harkin to stay home — in Virginia.

Peg Mouw

ISU alumnae

Sioux Center