Reject Gianetto

Claudia Smith

I am writing because I don’t want to see Randy Gianetto re-elected to the state senate. I don’t have anything against him personally, but I just am not impressed by what I’ve seen.

We moved into his district a little over a year and a half ago, but it wasn’t until this election season that I learned who our state senator even was.

But he seems to be making up for what we didn’t hear from him during that time. As a part of that “target” group of middle-class, married women that I hear so much about on the news, I have been receiving almost one item every week from Sen. Gianetto.

Well, actually, that’s not quite true. I have been receiving mail promoting Gianetto, but every single piece has been paid for by the Iowa Democratic Party. Bottom line is, if I were to vote for Gianetto, would I be voting for a local legislator or a pawn of the Iowa Democratic Party? They paid for all his fluff mail pieces, so how do I know they haven’t paid for him?

Claudia Smith
