Not just black & white

Roy Salcedo

Being on this campus for five years now, I have realized that President Jischke, like other administrators, as well as the Daily and other students have been very ignorant until recently but still remain to be ignorant.

When the term “minority” is used, lots of times, it is used for African American. In the article, “ISU official: More must be done for minorities; VP cites need for a barber shop, other personal services for minority community,” by Holly Benton, there was never anything stated about bringing entertainment for Asians, Latinos (in Spanish), or Native Americans.

And when Blackwelder said that President Jischke talked to black faculty and staff about the needs of minority students, how can black faculty and staff say what Asian Americans, Latinos or Native Americans need?

There are Latino, Native American, and Asian American faculty, right? Technically, there are supposed to be, right? Is not Iowa State University’s mission to recruit more minority faculty?

It has always been that on this campus things are always seen as black or white.

Another thing: In the article, “Racism still exists at Iowa State,” by Brandon Belisle, it says that Latin American Studies program needs more funding. …Was this suppose to be Latino/a Studies program? Everyone has to get their facts straight and remember that minority includes not only African Americans, but many more!

Another issue: There has not been enough coverage on Latino, Asian American, Native American or even International Student events!

Hispanic Heritage Month did not make the cover of the Daily until this past year, just like other fruitful cultural events that bring a variety of culture to Iowa State.

Roy Salcedo


Computer Science and Spanish