What do you think about the renovations in the Memorial Union?

— Survey By Erin Payne.

Amy Anderkay


Chemical engineering

“I like them. I think it creates a lot more study space besides the library or just going to your dorm.”

Mark Dobbe

Media Resources staff

“I like them. It’s a lot brighter in here. It’s a more pleasant atmosphere. It was dark and dreary before.”

Sukhwan Yang

Graduate student


“I don’t care because I have nothing to do in this building.”

Debi Hemmer


Political science and environmental studies

“I like the renovations, but I wish they would’ve included the old things, like the tables, into the new design.”

Mike Meiners


Computer engineering

“I kind of like it. It’s a little different. It’s kind of nice. It’s kind of crowded in these areas. Other than that, it’s pretty good.”

Jeff Hern


Business management

“[It’s] too sterile. It looks more like a laboratory.”