Broaden our horizons

Editorial Board

Some say it’s just another week. And we’ve got lots of “weeks” on this campus.

There are weeks for colleges, for activities, for concepts, for apples, for oranges, for green sweaters, for red sweaters, for little tiny lizards and for purple things in your teeth.

But this week, this International Week, is a little different. It’s got a lot of merit, some cool activities and a sound foundation.

One in every 10 Iowa State students is an international student, so it’s hard to argue that it wouldn’t behoove us all to have a better understanding of the variety of cultures that surround us.

Too often we fall into the trap of demanding, even subtly, that visitors adapt their way of life to our way of life. This week is a chance to let international students show us their cultures, their foods, their fashion, their entertainment and their lives.

It’s not too much to ask that we pay attention. It’s not too much to ask that we allow our international student population to give us a little culture that’s not traditionally our own.

If you haven’t been to an International Week activity just yet, there’s plenty of opportunities left. There’s a United Nations Forum today at noon, a cultural experience program tonight and speeches and displays and food throughout the rest of the week.

Just as mainstream campus leaders spend hundreds, even thousands, of hours planning Veishea, Homecoming, Greek Week, Varieties and other activities, ISU’s international students pump tons of time and energy into making International Week something everyone can enjoy. So enjoy it. Take in a movie or some food; take in some culture.

A broader horizon rarely hurts anyone.