Latino College Expo is today

Cho Minkyung

Iowa State will offer an educational trip for young minority students when it hosts the Fourth Annual Latino College Expo today in the Scheman Building.

Nearly 300 Latino high school students from central Iowa will have the opportunity to prepare for their futures by attending workshops with college issues as the topics.

“The purpose is to encourage many Latino 9th through 12th graders [to] continue higher education in a college or university,” said Juan Davila, academic adviser for in the College of Business.

Students will participate in a variety of events including workshops, a college fair and a tour of the Iowa State campus.

“There will be a preparatory curriculum for 9th and 10th graders and Latino Studies mock class for 11th and 12th graders in the first session,” Davila said, “and a science program and post secondary education in the second session.”

The Latino Studies workshop will be presented by Hector Avalos, ISU assistant professor of philosophy and director of the Latino Studies program.

A workshop for high school counselors and admissions representatives also will be offered.

Sponsors for the Expo include Iowa State, Drake University, Simpson College, University of Iowa and University of Northern Iowa.

“I think it’s a great opportunity for many Latino high school students. They can see many role models they can follow for the future and have a taste of college life,” Davila said.

The Latino College Expo is free. Transportation will be offered by the Iowa Army National Guard.

The Expo will be held today from 9:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.