Whitman awarded medallion

Emily Hildebrand

William Whitman, associate vice-president for facilities planning and management, was awarded the Memorial Union Service Medallion for devoted service to Iowa State.

Whitman was awarded the Memorial Union Service Medallion at the Alumni Association Awards Convocation. The purpose of the award is “to recognize and honor outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to Iowa State University through the Memorial Union.”

Whitman served on the Memorial Union board of directors for seven years.

Sally Pease, administrative assistant at the Union, said Whitman became a life member of the Memorial Union as an undergraduate in 1954.

Pease said the award recognizes Whitman because of his attention to detail, his willingness to do unglamorous jobs and the common sense that characterizes his work.

He was eligible for the award because he has given extensively of himself on behalf of the Iowa State Memorial Union, she said.

Whitman graduated from Iowa State in 1957 with a B.S. in mechanical engineering. He returned to Iowa State in 1960 and became a member of the Memorial Union board of directors in 1988.

During his time on the board of directors, Whitman served two terms as president, one term as vice president and one term as secretary. He also served on many committees, Pease said.

She said the board of directors makes decisions and sets policy for the Union. The director of the Union carries out the policy in day-to-day operations based on the board’s decisions. The Union is a private, non-profit corporation.

Pease said, “To serve as president of the board of directors for two years is quite a worthwhile thing to do. He has invested many hours and 25 years of professional experience.”

Whitman said two of the accomplishments he is most proud of while serving the Union are the reorganization of the board that provided for student representation on the board of directors and renovations of the food service and student office space.

The actual renovation began after Whitman went off the board in 1994 but he did start the process.

“I initiated that as a member of the board,” he said

The Memorial Union has not changed a lot, Whitman said. Before the recent renovation, the commons area had not changed at all since he was a student. The furniture was even the same, he said.

“The basic exterior of the Union is pretty much the same,” Whitman said. “We added the parking ramp in the early sixties.”

Whitman said his service to the Union has been rewarding to him.

“I just think of the progress we’ve made, especially in the areas of student representation and renovations, and I think we’ve accomplished something.”