Business students get new advising center

Linda Kirsch

Student advising in the College of Business has a new look. The Andersen Undergraduate Services Center was dedicated at 3 p.m. on Friday.

The $90,000 gift comes from 200 ISU alumni employed by Arthur Andersen and Andersen Consulting, combined with a matching corporate gift from Andersen Companies. The project has been in the works for nearly five years.

Advisers will move in during Thanksgiving break, with the center expected to be open to students when classes resume.

The Andersen Undergraduate Services Center will provide orientation for new freshmen and transfer students, coordinating and advising all business majors and pre-business students, overseeing the college honors program, assisting with class scheduling and coordinating scholarships.

Benjamin Allen, dean of the College of Business, said the new center provides a “one-stop shopping” approach to advising.

College of Business advising was divided between two floors of Carver Hall before the new center. The Andersen Undergraduate Services Center combines all advising into one area, facilitating information sharing between advisers that will benefit the students in the long run, he said.

“The Andersen Undergraduate Services Center will greatly enhance the ability of the College of Business to effectively and efficiently meet the advising needs of the undergraduate students,” Allen said.

The Andersen Undergraduate Services Center is “a valuable resource for the students in the College of Business,” said Michelle Reding DeLange, a senior in management information systems.

Ann Coppernoll Farni, director of undergraduate programs, said having all the pre-business staff together with the business majors will allow for sharing of information.

ISU President Martin Jischke, who was present at the dedication, said the center will allow the college to increase the efficiency with which it helps students.

“I can’t imagine students won’t come away from the center with exactly what they need,” Jischke said.