Taking the work out of work

Heather Barr

For some professors the work load can be daunting and full of stress, but for others it is simply what they love to do.

Tahira Hira, a professor in human development and family studies, said her work as a professor is not really a chore but rather what she loves to do. This year Hira received a faculty award from the university for outstanding and inspiring service.

Hira has been teaching, researching and servicing the community as a faculty member since 1980. She began her career when she attended economics classes and decided that she could impact society by combining those skills with family finance and other family related services.

Hira said she really likes the department because it has a very big effect with people.

“Our goal in this department is to have a direct impact at all levels; internationally, nationally and locally in our community. We want to have a direct impact to help everyone,” Hira said.

She said there is stress in her job because the busier she gets, the more involved in her work she becomes. “The key is you have to enjoy what you do. I live and breathe my job.”

Hira says she is definitely not the only person worthy of such an award. “I am in total awe of how many good people we have at Iowa State,” Hira said.

She believes she is no different than anyone else who teaches. She said helping people and teaching aren’t things that can be done alone. “You have to have a very supportive environment of colleagues and families.”

“My husband has been great to work with because of all the support and things he does around the house when I’m not there,” Hira said.

“I just feel so honored and special to be so fortunate to get this award and be in the staff’s company. It’s such a big honor to have your colleagues pick you because they think you’re special,” she said.

Hira said it was a very satisfying experience, and receiving this kind of award is a compliment to her, and to the people around her. “You just can’t do things like that alone.