Ag council leaders plan to increase publicity

Laura Baitinger

The students’ voice in the College of Agriculture is under new leadership following its election Wednesday night.

Stacia Piggot, a junior in dairy science and public service and administration, will serve as president of the Agricultural Student Council. She said her primary goal is to increase the publicity of the council, especially for underclassmen.

“To be on ag council is an honor,” Piggot said. “It is a prestigious organization. Everyone on it is committed to making the ISU College of Ag better.”

The council is composed of two representatives from the clubs within the college. Liaison clubs involved with agriculture issues also have one non-voting representative. Students serve a two-year term and work with various committees. The ag college representatives on Government of the Student Body also participate in the council.

Ag council sponsors various activities throughout the year, including, a new student barbecue, a steak fry to honor club presidents and advisers, Ag Week and Veishea activities. Nominations for awards to honor graduating seniors from the college are currently available from Ag Council members, Piggot said.

Stacie Buhr, a junior in agricultural education, will serve as vice-president to the council. Secretary is Christa Jensen, a junior in journalism. Dennis Holland, a senior in agricultural systems and technology, earned the treasurer’s position.

This past year the council was very successful, said Dan Belzer, a senior in agricultural education, who served as last year’s president. He attributed the success to the students’ leadership skills.

“It was a great year,” Belzer said. “We did a lot of new things which will continue in the future.”

1996-97 Agricultural Student

Council Executive Officers

President Stacia Piggot

junior in dairy sci. and public service and admi.

Vice President Stacey Buhs

junior in agricultural education

Secretary Christa Jensen

junior in journalism

Treasurer Dennis Holland

senior in agricultural systems technology