Cabinet members exit

Editorial Board

The 1996 election is finally over, and for better of for worse, Clinton has continued to be our President.

However, it remains to be seen if his cabinet is the same we voted for.

As voters, the American people vote for a person that is an icon of a larger organization in Washington.

Would as many have voted for Clinton if his running mate was someone different than Al Gore? Perhaps not.

Clinton and his administration were reelected to office, yet what seems to be left in Washington is a shell of the image Clinton carried.

If you considered buying a car and paid for all of the options that goes with it, you would be disappointed if, upon delivery, it lacked all of the options it originally had.

The same thing has happened with the Clinton Administration.

It is a watered-down version of what people voted for. It also doesn’t say much about the people who are leaving.

How many should have given fair warning to the public prior to the elections about their intentions? Would it be more fair to us if they did? Would it have affected the election if they did?

The idea remains to be seen.

Clinton supporters voted for Clinton and all that they knew to go along with him. Things may be better and things may be worse, but they are definitely different.

One has to wonder if there may also be a larger, underlying reason why these people are leaving.

Is it really the partisan Congress they were appointed to work with, or is it Clinton himself, and the path he is leading for the people he has chosen?