Davis shamelessly attacks Dole

Jim Gibson

Shameless and misinformed. That is the only way to describe Tim Davis’ editorial that appeared in the October 30 issue of the Daily.

Davis’ assertion that Bob Dole, a man that nearly gave his life for his country, is running for President for his own personal gain is ludicrous. Dole’s sincere love and devotion to his country are unquestionable. His positions on issues are formed on the basis of what is best for America, not on polls or political opportunity.

In contrast, Bill Clinton’s stance on issues changes on an almost daily basis, or at least as soon as the next poll indicates that he should. Even Clinton staffer George Stephanopoulos said that Clinton only “keeps the promises that he intended to keep.”

Clinton and Dole the only choices? Davis and everyone else may vote for anyone they choose. But even Davis should know that they are the only two with a legitimate chance to win. Who should Time magazine have included on its “The Choice” cover? Clinton and Dole? Ross Perot? Harry Browne? John Phillips? Ralph Nader? John Hagelin? Pat Paulson? Where does it end?

Depending upon the state in which you live, you may have dozens of choices on your ballot. Time was correct for including only Clinton and Dole. Not because they represent the two major parties, but because they represent electoral reality.

Finally, Tim Davis should remember something. Yes, America does belong to the people. But not just to “people who break their backs at crappy jobs and struggle to make ends meet” as he suggests.

It also belongs to successful people who break their backs at their jobs and every other citizen of this country. It doesn’t matter if you make $500 a year or $500,000, whether you contribute $1,000 to a candidate (the maximum allowed by law, not the $5,000 that Davis loosely suggested) or nothing to anyone, whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist or belong to any other Party, you get one vote this November. I hope everyone, including Tim Davis, makes it count.

Jim Gibson

Kelley, IA