Casting light on ‘Ordinary Iowa’

Tracy Call

It’s the first television show broadcasted from the moon, and it’s located here in Ames.

In an attempt to rebuild the image of Cable STV-9 host and producer Fritz Jnker, along with Shemp-o-Rama Productions and Lighthouse Communications, is airing a totally new formatted show called “Fritz Jnker’s Ordinary Iowa.”

A one-foot think stage painted to look like steel and a brick background with a mural of the earth rising portrays the image that the show is broadcasting from the moon.

“It could somewhat be compared to a ‘Late Night’ type show, but there is going to be way more variety,” Jnker, a junior in liberal studies, said. “Like I said, it’s a variety show. You never know what’s going to happen.”

“Ordinary Iowa” is going to give people something to get excited about.

The show will include episodes with guests, camera crews capturing funny happenings around the Ames area, new animations and cartoons, a live jazz band and a studio audience.

Jnker hopes this show will spawn similar ideas. “I’ve seen a lack of mediums for creativity in this community, and it upset me,” he said.

Jnker’s move back to Iowa from San Francisco is what inspired him to get serious about this show.

His personal theory and reason for the show’s title, “Ordinary Iowa,” is that 90 percent of Iowans are the average run-of-the-mill people, but the remaining 10 percent are completely and totally insane.

“That’s where I fit in,” he said.

“Being raised in Iowa, there was always something I liked about Midwestern people. I think it’s our warped, twisted humor that’s here and that is what I want to capture in this show,” Jnker said.

“It’s a good, funny type of insanity that you can’t get anywhere elseā€¦ actually I think it has something to do with the vegetation,” he added.

Jnker’s intention is to bring student-produced shows back to the ’50s when people got excited about student television.

Back then, he said, the student-run station had state-of-the-art equipment, as there is today, and people were taking advantage of it and putting this equipment to good use.

This will be the type of show where it is comfortable to sit down with family, friends or whomever to view a quality show without the trash.

“I want the audience to think, ‘My God these people are weird,’ and enjoy it and get hooked,” Jnker said.

The program is totally funded by GSB, but it doesn’t want to remain solely dependent on them, sponsors are needed, along with more student help.

The show is currently looking for several positions to be filled, and experience isn’t the most important thing.

“I need people with drive, people that won’t flake out on me because things need to get done,” Jnker said.

There is a need for Technical help including stage and set managers, props, teleprompter and sound technicians and floor managers.

Creative minds such as writers, video and editing personal, crew members and animators are also needed.

Musicians to fill the 6-7 man jazz band are also wanted to play some groovy ’50s jazz. “We need some cheesy swing if you know what I mean,” Jnker said.

The more people that get involved the better, Jnker said, and the process of adding people to the staff isn’t going to end when productions start. Anyone with a good idea can contribute to the show at any time.

This show is not limited to just student help. Everyone in the community is encouraged to contribute.

“I think it would be fun to have a Physics professor writing along side a student,” Jnker said. “I mean, if people want to get creative and bring in their cats or dogs, then bring them in too.”

The coolest thing, he said, is all these people getting together, doing different things, working toward a common goal and striving for the same results.

“Ordinary Iowa” will premiere Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 8 pm. It will be running weekly every Tuesday and Thursday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.

If interested in working on the show contact Fritz Jnker in the Ames Productions Office at 232-9226.