Reactions to Mitchell’s confession

Justin Echternacht



“I don’t think we should judge him, yet, until we get all the facts. I don’t know all the information yet, so I’m not going to make a judgment on him.”

Timothy B. Schwering


Speech Communication

“I feel bad for the black community here. I can understand their concerns with racial tension on campus. It hurts them; it hurts everybody, really.”



Hotel Management

“I don’t even pay attention to these kinds of things, because it just makes me angry. They’re picking on other people. It’s like gossip. Nobody knows what the true story is, and they might be saying something bad about this person, and it’s not even true.”

Octavius Jeffers


Journalism and Mass Communication

“Honestly, this is going to sound funny, but I believe that the university influenced his decision. I think that it might have really happened, but the university, in order to save face and make things seem a little bit calmer, made him some type of offer and he came up with that story to say that he fabricated the story. I do believe that it happened … I definitely believe that it happened.”

Marvin DeJear



“I feel that even if the situation didn’t happen, or did happen, we all need to remember what’s really at hand here. We all need to come together now, and start the healing process. It’s still really about the basics here at Iowa State, as far as everybody getting along together.”

Kristen Longley


Elementary Education

“I think it’s kind of an unfortunate incident because it sends a message about racial problems that I don’t think are as serious as people make them out to be. I think that also it gives people kind of an excuse to hate other people … It makes me kind of angry, too, because all these people got really wrapped up in the whole race issue.”

— Survey by Tracy Lucht.