We need Burnett

John Pohlman

As Iowans look to the next 150 years, we must look for the things that have endured the last 150, those things that have endeared us to Iowa.

The natural resources that our ancestors found in the 1800s were of such high quality that ultimately those resources have helped all of us become Iowans.

Well, 150 years later, some two million people have used and abused our land, air and water. That’s why our state needs a leader like Cele Burnett.

She understands our environment.

She is ready to protect our ground water from the potential abuses of giant hoglot owners. Cele will work to get back real local control from giant hoglot owners.

She will use her skills as a wildlife biologist and environmental educator to lead others in making the right choice for our state.

While no one can predict the future, with a leader like Cele, the natural resources that give us such a good quality of life will be here for the next 150 years.

That is why I ask for your vote for Cecelia Burnett for Representative of the 61st District.

John Pohlman
