Trio to delight townies

Daily Staff Writer

Good things really do come in threes.

The Lanier Trio, made up of William Preucil, violin, Dorothy Lewis, cello, and Cary Lewis, piano, will be performing Saturday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m. for the Ames Town and Gown Chamber Music Association’s second concert of the season.

The program will include the “Trio in B flat Major K,” “502” by Mozart, “Music of the Night” by Stephan Paulus and the “Trio in B flat Major Opus 21” by Dvork.

Named for the Georgia poet and musician of the nineteenth century, Sidney Lanier, the trio was formed in 1979 and has maintained its current membership for the past decade.

Violinist Preucil began studying the instrument at the age of 5. A student of Josef Gingold at Indiana University, he earned the prestigious Performer’s Certificate.

He held the position of first violinist with the Cleveland Quartet in residence at the Eastman School of Music. In April 1995, he became the concertmaster of the Cleveland Orchestra.

Dorothy Lewis studied cello at the University of Michigan and the Eastman School of Music where she earned a Performer’s Certificate and her master’s degree in music.

In addition to having studied with such cellists as Oliver Edel, Ronald Leonard and Pablo Casals, she has appeared on nationwide television and radio.

The Lewis talent continues with Dorothy’s husband, Cary, who earned earned degrees at the University of North Texas before receiving a DMA and Performer’s Certificate at the Eastman School of Music. Dr. Cary Lewis is on the faculty at Georgia State University in Atlanta.

Tickets for the show are available at the door for $15. A reception will follow. All students are admitted free of charge.