Diversity moderator coming back to campus

Amanda Fier

Frances Kendall, who came to Iowa State last April to help moderate a public discussion about Catt Hall, is making another trip to the university to help the College of Education implement diversity and multi-cultural awareness.

The College of Education is bringing Kendall, a facilitator and consultant of diversity from California, to campus on Feb. 12 to instruct diversity training. The training is designed to help the curriculum and instruction department meet new diversity requirements for undergraduate students set by the federal government.

Theresa McCormick, professor of curriculum and instruction, invited Kendall to campus. She used funding from the Miller Faculty Development Fellowship.

At a conferenceon race and ethnicity in San Antonio last summer, McCormick asked Kendall to come to ISU. She told Kendall, “This would be great for our faculty in the College of Education.”

At the February workshop, teachers will break into small groups to discuss ways multicultural books can be used, among many other things. The groups will engage in various teaching exercises including role-playing and listening exercises.

Last April, Kendall visited ISU to moderate discussions about the Catt Hall issue.

McCormick said this is different. “She’s not coming for that. That’s not why I am bringing her here.”

September 29th Movement officials wanted Kendall to make a second visit to ISU to serve as a moderator during a meeting with ISU President Martin Jischke in September.

Jischke has said a moderator is unnecessary.

Movement officials didn’t show for the meeting, saying it wouldn’t be productive without a moderator.

In September, Kendall said she would be glad to come if the two groups rescheduled. She was working in Tennessee when Movement officials were scheduled to meet with Jischke.

There has not been a meeting since. Movement members did meet with Jischke informally during an open breakfast on Sept. 25. Jischke and Movement members will meet formally for the first time on Thursday.

The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Gallery of the Memorial Union.