Reactions to Election ’96

Anna Saele

Graduate Student

“The one I would have supported didn’t win. I didn’t want Clinton to win because he’s a crook. I thought his moral standards were very low.”

Jim Kaiser



“My presidential candidate didn’t win. I’ve always voted Republican, basically. I’m also kind of disappointed that Harkin won; that’s about all I paid attention to.”

Denise Ford



“I only voted for president. My candidate won, and I was very happy about it.”

Jonathan Hill


Civil Engineering

“I voted for Phillips for president, just because he agreed with my Christian morals. He’s not heard of, but I figured if I was going to vote, I’d vote for him.”

Brad Hecht

Graduate Student

Water Resources

“I voted all Democrat. I just took what was there. I’m not going to cheer for Clinton, but he’s better than Dole.”

Sandra Brewer

Graduate Student

Animal Ecology

“I was glad that Harkin won because Lightfoot is a scary person. I’m glad the President was reelected.”