I am me, a rose is a rose

Patty Davis

I am me. I have a name. I have a personality, and, yes, since I am physical, I do have an appearance.

Some may consider me attractive others may consider me overweight, yet others still may see me as a good friend no matter what I look like.

That makes me wonder what makes people base an entire opinion of another on his/her appearance.

According to Shakespeare, a rose would smell just as sweet by any other name, wouldn’t it also smell just as sweet by any other shape? And out of curiosity, don’t red roses smell just as sensual as white, yellow, pink and purple ones?

I sometimes envy blind people; they see the world through what they know, what they learn, what they hear, and what they feel. They are not limited by light hitting an object for them to recognize, understand, or accept it. They meet people as they are and WHO they areā€¦ not WHAT they are. They aren’t limited by knowing body shape or skin color.

Have you ever wondered why there are different body shapes and skin colors? Then again, have you ever had to step back and wonder what makes those two factors so imperative to our understanding of others?

Doesn’t it strike you as odd that something as trivial as what you look like could be the determining factor of how someone sees you?

You know, I could supply answers to most of these questions, but why?

Me, myself, personally taking the time to smell the roses to see if there are indeed any differences between the small and large, or the red and yellow won’t be effective unless others take the time to experience the roses as well.

Patty Davis


Music Education