NBA’s Hype, Showtime & the Geezers

Cade Remsburg

Well, another NBA season is fast upon us, and already several teams have been labeled the next possible champions. I’ve decided to discuss a few of these teams.

First off, let’s discuss the most obvious of all teams, the Hype. Everyone is all excited about the Hype once again and can’t wait to see if they can repeat all their antics from last year.

Some sportscasters are already looking at the Hype’s possibilities at breaking some of last season’s statistical records.

The Hype didn’t lose a key player from last year’s team and their marketing possibilities are as strong as ever, as many members of the Hype are out to prove that there is much more to basketball than just the sport.

Speaking of marketing possibilities, the Showtime team just expanded their lineup and are hoping to make a run at both the basketball and marketing championships. Showtime paid their key, off-season signing, The Savior, the highest contract ever for a basketball player.

The Savior hopes not only to win a championship, but to increase his own wealth as well by using the Showtime environment to its maximum potential.

The team hopes the emergence of some other very young players will help to mold together a team who will hopefully peak at Finals time.

Another team who made a significant off-season acquisition to give them a viable shot at a championship this year is the Geezers. In one of the biggest sports cliches around, these aging stars have all joined the same team to take one last shot at the championship.

My question is, if these three players all average 20 points and 10 rebounds, how can these players call this their last shot at a championship?

In any case, these three stars together have generated enough excitement to bring the title back to the South.

A team that seems to have everyone excited in the Big Apple is the Retoolers. This team came from a playoff contender to a championship contender with a good trade and a couple of big signings.

So far it is hard to tell how this team has meshed, but just like Showtime, they are out to prove just how well they spent the fan’s dollar.

The last team that could possibly be considered for championship contention is team Boring. The Boring team did nothing but tread water in the off-season resigning their own stars, and a few role players to replace their departed role players.

Team Boring has the big sneaker deals and their players get the same recognition as other NBA players. But when it comes to being a team, the recognition they receive is sometimes non-existent, perhaps because of their northwestern location.

Five teams, one championship. In my perfect scenario, the Hype out-hype themselves and Showtime sees no time in the Finals.

The other three contenders can win with dignity, respect and a team attitude.

And then maybe basketball can be just a game once again.

Cade Remsburg is a senior in journalism and mass communications from Ames.