Confusion leaves student group in a funding bind

Renee Uecker

A group of students were searching for a quick solution after the Student Union Board meeting Monday night.

The Society for Indian Tradition and Arts (SITAR) asked SUB to reconsider its decision to only partially fund a concert to be held this Sunday in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

SITAR President Bodhisaptra Das spoke on behalf of his organization.

He said he felt all of the money had previously been promised to the organization.

SITAR members recently discovered they were receiving $200 rather than the requested $800 from SUB.

But SUB board member Neelika Perreira said she only casually suggested that SITAR approach the SUB board for possible funding. She said she never promised the funding for the organization.

Perreira said SITAR did not bring the proposal to the board until Oct. 14.

It was after this meeting when SUB decided to partially fund the event.

“I feel bad about the whole situation,” she said, “but it’s not up to me to give money from SUB to organizations.

“They need to approach the entire board and present their proposal to the committee.”

Rusty Poehner, SUB program adviser, suggested that SITAR members go after other untapped funding sources.

“SUB is not a funding entity in itself,” she said.

T. Rukmini, the classical violinist scheduled to perform at the concert, is flying in from Seattle for the performance. SITAR is sharing the traveling costs with an organization in Minneapolis who has also scheduled Rukmini to perform at a later date.

“It would almost be impossible for us to back out at this point,” Das said. “I don’t want to blame anyone but we’re really in a bad position now.”

There may be some relief.

SUB board members decided to look at their individual budgets again and re-evaluate the decision.

Doug Wandersee, SUB program adviser said, “I think it’s simply a misunderstanding. I don’t think there is a side to blame. At this point we just need to bite the bullet and work together and see what can be done.”

The time table for additional SUB action was not immediately available.