A precious right & responsibility

Starlene Rankin

I encourage all of you to use your right to participate in our democracy and VOTE ON NOVEMBER 5. Please take the time to find a candidate that best represents you and VOTE ON NOVEMBER 5.

Here’s a list of your options for President & Vice President: (on the lowa ballot)

Bill Clinton & Al Gore Democratic Party

Bob Dole & Jack Kemp Republican Party

Ralph Nader & Anne Goeke Green Party

Harry Browne & Jo Jorgensen Libertarian Party

John Hagelin & Mike Tompkins Natural Law Party

Ross Perot & James Campbell Reform Party

James Harris & Laura Garza Socialist Workers Party

Howard Phillips & Albion Knight, Jr. U.S. Taxpayers Party

“Democracy is that form of government in which not only politicians and public employees but all citizens bring life to liberty.

“It is the practice of self-governance in which ordinary people develop the skills, powers, capacities and imagination for addressing our common problems.

“It is the system of decision making and action in which rights carry with them a larger sense of social responsibility and engagement. “

-The Civic Declaration, 1994

For your information, a group of people are organizing a “Green Party” in lowa.

Here are the 10 key-values of the Green Party: Ecological Wisdom; Grassroots Democracy; Social Justice; Nonviolence; Decentralization; Community-based Economics; Feminism; Respect For Diversity; Personal and Global Responsibility; Future Focus and Sustainability.

You are invited to a “100 cents-a-bowl chili supper” at the Collegiate United Methodist Church on Sunday, October 13 at 5 p.m.

This gathering is a chance to discuss Green values, as well as share food, listen to music and other stuff. Please join us!

And, don’t forget: VOTE ON NOVEMBER 5! It’s a precious right and an awesome responsibility.

Starlene Rankin

Graduate Student