Moss’ review is appalling

Peter Piltingsrud

In the Oct. 16 Daily Corey Moss had a very uninformed review of the Pig album “Sinsation.”

Right off the bat, he calls Pig “yet another Trent Reznor wannabe.”

Why must it be that every band who uses an “industrial” format (the term makes most artists who use that format cringe and go into convulsions) be called a Nine Inch Nails wannabe?

I am appalled by this: Anyone who is at least mildly familiar with different industrial/coldwave/darkwave music should know that there is a difference.

Nails is merely the band that popularized “industrial.” After all, Watts was helping a fledgling KMFDM record albums in 1986 and ’87, when Trent Reznor (That’s not his real name. It’s John Trent Paulinho.) was still a janitor.

What’s the deal with lyrics? Please tell me that lyrics are really that important. Look at Corey’s favorite reference, NIN.

One of Reznor’s most popular songs to date has some fairly sexual deviant lyrics to it. And some of Reznor’s very early songs (ones that didn’t make the cut for “Pretty Hate Machine” or were almost completely redone for it) are just plain sadistic.

Did you know that the song “Ringfinger” used to be about sadism? For that matter, have you seen “Broken” the video?

My point is that lyrics usually don’t make or break a song. Sometimes they help, in either direction.

Did Corey give the Presidents of the United States a bad review, because the lyrics for “Lump” were stupid?

Granted, the average reader could care less, because he or she isn’t going to go out and buy this album.

Of course not, cuz the “nothing is better than NIN” reviewer doesn’t like it.

Why doesn’t he like it? Because he has no taste for darkwave music (other than the obvious pop influence) and therefore shouldn’t be passing judgement on it.

Review something everyone has anyway, like Hootie or that ungodly terrible band No Doubt.

There’s No Doubt in my mind that they stink.

Peter Piltingsrud


Chemical Engineering