Tomorrow’s lecture to discuss ‘Women in Government’

Daily Staff Writer

Predictions for how well women will do in the November elections is one of the topics the speech “Women in Government” will cover. The lecture is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30 at noon in the Memorial Union.

The speakers are Ellen Pirro, who has a consulting company in Des Moines, and Jennifer Smyser, who works for the Center for International Understanding. Smyser earned her undergraduate degree in political science at Iowa State, and Pirro has taught in the political science department.

Judy Dolphin, director of the YWCA, said the speech will center around women in Iowa elections, the political process and the roles of women in office.

The speech will also focus on the results and conclusions of women politicians in the 1994 elections.

“Women bring a different perspective than the historically white male views,” Smyser said. She feels the role women play with the government is increasing.