Hurting their own cause

Editorial Board

Greenpeace has resorted to trespassing and vandalizing in order to profess that the genetically altered soybeans near Atlantic are detrimental to the environment.

The international environment group went to great lengths to spray paint and ruin a year’s worth of research at the Asgrow Seed Co. farm because they think the soybeans pose a “possible health threat,” according to the Des Moines Register article that appeared Friday.

The genetically altered soybeans can boost yields and reduce the use of herbicides, the article said, which is something one might think Greenpeace would support considering the concerns they have for the environment.

Their actions of spray painting the field and taking it hostage for 12 hours appear to be fairly hypocritical.

They propose to support such things that are environmentally friendly and yet they don’t support the soybeans that are optimal for Iowa crops and reduce the use of herbicides because Greenpeace has research suggesting that allergies have been found in people who consumed soybean products mixed with Brazil nuts.

However, the use of the genetically altered soybeans has been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Union.

While the protest should not be ignored and should be further studied, Greenpeace should consider opposing environmental problems in a more legal way, one that would invite interest and support.

Or at least, find a method of protest that is not as potentially damaging as the efforts they oppose.