Bearden has plans to protect and serve

Amanda Knief

Providing protection and service to the citizens of Story County is Deputy Sheriff Gerry Bearden’s first priority.

Bearden has been in law enforcement for 22 years. His first two years were spent in the Department of Public Safety at Iowa State. The last 20 years have been in the Story County Sheriff’s office, and since 1987 he has been the chief of detectives.

“I’m running for sheriff because I was asked to.” Several groups including present members of the sheriff’s office, different town officials and citizens in Story County have given Bearden their support. “They believe I have established my commitment to Story County.”

He and his supporters do not believe the sheriff’s office has been properly run in the past.

“The biggest difference between [Fitzgerald] and I is that I want to be a law enforcement officer, and provide the services people want,” Bearden said. “[Fitzgerald] is a politician who has some master plan and does not care what the people want.”

Bearden is addressing two main issues in this election: the position of chief deputy within the sheriff’s office, and upgrading the basic services the office provides.

Bearden said Penny Westfall, the current chief deputy, should not have other jobs consulting and teaching that take her away from Story County. Bearden said Westfall has no previous law enforcement experience and performs no law enforcement functions.

Bearden’s choice for chief deputy will come from within the sheriff’s office. “It will be someone who has demonstrated commitment to Story County and the sheriff’s office,” he said.

Bearden also wants to increase patrol staff and put in an on-call position system in the detectives division. “The best crime deterrent is visible active patrols,” he said.

Another improvement Bearden would like to see is the placement of “satellite” offices in 10 communities. These communities have contracted their law enforcement with the Story County Sheriff’s office.

“I want to have officers in the field to handle complaints, to complete paperwork, to answer questions and to be reactive to calls,” he said.

Bearden has worked with both the Ames police and DPS. “I have a good working relationship with Ames that is demonstrated through a murder case that was solved between myself and the police.”

The Story County Drug Task Force was founded by Bearden through the sheriff’s office.