For your information

Liam Miller

I wish to rebut some of the points of Robert Zeis’ recent column about National Coming Out Day.

On one hand, he says, gay people he has actually met “acted just like any other straight person in a similar situation.”

On the other hand, those gay people he apparently has seen on TV are “aggressive and extremist.”

Funny. This seems to parallel how the heterosexuals I actually deal with daily bear no resemblance to the sex-obsessed heterosexual nuts on Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones. Could it be that TV doesn’t reflect reality? Hmmm.

A second point he makes is that “there is no religion to my knowledge that endorses marriage of homosexuals.”

Let me fill him in. The Reformed Branch of Judaism, the United Church of Christ, the Society of Friends (Quakers), the Metropolitan Community Church and the Unitarian Universalists, for starters, all perform same-sex marriages.

It is religious discrimination, pure and simple, for the government to continue to deny marriage licenses to these (or any) same-sex couples.

Liam Miller

Gainesville, Fla.