Red wine, chocolate and genetic engineering

Joe Leonard

Good news for chocolate lovers on two fronts. University of California, at Davis, scientists have shown that chocolate contains antioxidants which may actually lower the adverse effects of cholesterol. The chemicals are similar to those that give red wine its supposed antioxidant function to the lard-loving French.

Chocolate and red wine — ah, the luxury.

Meanwhile, scientists at the Neurosciences Institute in San Diego report that chocolate also contains cannabinoids, similar to the chemicals found in marijuana, although at lower concentrations. Two other chemicals in chocolate appear to prolong the pleasurable sensations elicited by cannabinoids. These chemicals may be responsible for the famed “chocolate addiction.”

I guess you know what to eat the next time you have the munchies.

What happened to the peace in Greenpeace?

So what’s up with Greenpeace? I used to like their environmentally sound zaniness. But now these friendly neighborhood kooks seem to be following Bob Dole’s example and are turning mean.

I’m referring to the highly publicized and remarkably cheesy,trampling and spray painting of Monsanto’s genetically engineered soybeans by a contingent of the environmental group in Atlantic, Iowa, last week.

Monsanto’s RoundUp Ready Soybeans are at the center of the controversy. Their man-made immunity to RoundUp herbicide threatens some people, who say they are a biological disaster waiting to happen.

The paradox is Monsanto hails itself as God’s gift to environmentally safe farming.

Both sides have pretty simplistic, and defensive, arguments.

The controversy boils down to a fear of change and technology, based on ignorance.

Ignorance about genetic engineering

Why is everyone ignorant about genetic engineering? The simple answer is that the media rarely covers it, because the topic is duller than a box of hammers, and all the interesting stuff sounds like futuristic mumbo jumbo.

The good things about genetic engineering rarely make news. It would be like seeing a television newscaster say, “200 million people were NOT subjected to any crimes today.” The media coverage focuses on the arguments between representatives after controversy erupts. Everyone is yelling and criticizing and we all react like a bunch of kids watching a schoolyard fight, taking sides.

Scientists have a bad rap as being self-indulgent (mad) or the pawns of corporate biotechnology, blind to the perils of their trade. But most scientists are just average Joe’s like us. Sure, they want that paycheck to keep coming in, but who doesn’t? None of the scientists I know ever cackle insanely about how their research is going to change the world.

Nobody really knows what genetic engineering will mean for the future. Genetic engineering might cause farmers to spray more herbicide, although RoundUp is not a particularly horrific one. But, if it wasn’t for genetic engineering we wouldn’t have tomatoes for most of the winter and we’d still be tediously extracting insulin from the intestines of calves.