Reactions to racially motivated assault

Aaron Barstow.

Roxanne Smith



“I was kind of shocked. Although people said before I got here [Iowa] was a prejudice-filled state. When I first got here everyone was nice. I would think we could all get past that. I thought people didn’t fight in college.”

Susan Smith



“I thought it could happen because I think there’s a lot of differences between races on campus. I think people need to talk about their problems to solve it instead of using violence to solve it.”

Ozan Onal

Grad student

Interior design

Onal has been in the United States for three months.

“I didn’t know there were racial problems at Iowa State University. I don’t like it. It’s not good — it’s a university here. I don’t ever want to see these kinds of things in the newspaper.”

Mike Holthe

Graduate student

Exercise and sports science

“My immediate reaction was it was strange to think that it could happen somewhere you are. I think it’s pretty bad. It’s pretty sickening to think that can happen.”

Kyle Fiddelke


Landscape architecture

“Anything can happen. I would’ve hoped I wouldn’t have seen it at Iowa State. And I hope that I won’t have to see it happen again at Iowa State.”

Joella Spaine


Liberal Arts and Sciences

“Well, I’m sure it can happen anywhere. It sounds stupid to me that someone would beat someone up just because of color.”