Pushing pedals in the pits to help the Special Olympics

Julie Swartz

A bicycle race in memory of a fraternity brother whose life was tragically cut short in an automobile accident almost 7 years ago is being held this Saturday, Oct. 20 at noon at Peterson’s Pits.

Cory Baird, one of the co-chairs for the event, said the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity is holding their annual mountain biking race in memory of Bob Eich, a former TKE member who was killed while he was a student and a member of the TKE fraternity.

Baird, along with his other co-chair, Matt Parisi, have been working to put this event together.

The cost to race is $17.00 for NORBA (National Off-Road Biking Association) members and $20.00 for non-NORBA members.

“Because NORBA sponsors our event, it is advertised in all their publications,” said Ryan Burchett, a member of the TKE house.

Burchett said that the fraternity is anticipating a turn-out of over 100 people.

“In past years we have had people from Minnesota to Missouri,” Burchett said.

“All proceeds from the event will be going to the Iowa Special Olympics,” Baird said.

The national TKE house sponsors the Special Olympics. This is not only a ride in memory of their former brother, but it also the TKE house’s philanthropy, Burchett said. A philanthropy is defined as desire to help others by giving money to a good cause or charity.

The race will make a 4-mile loop in and around Peterson’s Pits.

For safety, members of the house will be watching the race and others positioned around the racing area to help anyone in trouble, he said.

“There will also be a bike mechanic on hand,” Baird said.

He explained the event as something for all people interested in riding bikes, not only for enjoyment, but also people who like to race mountain bikes.

“The race is for riders of all abilities,” Baird said.

Everyone is invited to come join in the fun.

There will be prizes awarded for the winners of the race. “All prizes were donated by Two-Wheel Travel of Ames,” Baird said.

People interested in registering in the event can contact Cory Baird or Matt Parisi at 233-9937.