Ugly scene at UNI

Editorial Board

This past weekend, more than 20 people were arrested at the University of Northern Iowa after charging police, throwing debris, tipping over cars, shattering windows and blocking streets.

The rampage was part of an unexpected celebration of the school’s Homecoming festivities.

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad said the incident “has marred the reputation of the university…”

It certainly has. And it is no different from the images of the Veishea riots in 1988 and 1992 tarnishing the image of Iowa State.

Some probably never knew anything about Iowa State until they heard about the Veishea riots.

Unfortunately, the name Veishea today still inspires jokes about rioting, despite the fact that with the exceptions of ’88 and ’92, the celebration has consistently been a safe, fun and truly enjoyable atmosphere for all to enjoy.

The same is true for UNI. Last weekend’s rampage will forever be ingrained in the minds of students and other Iowans.

It is this type of violent behavior that people will remember far more than any Homecoming victory.

The same holds true for Veishea. After the 1992, officials proclaimed that the Friday before the school celebration is no longer a holiday. Also, there will be no more Veishea if there is a future riot.

The simple lesson here is to not riot no matter where you are.

But if you happen to be confronted with such an ugly event, keep in mind that you, your school and your community have their reputations at stake.