Art exhibits recognize Women’s Week

Debra Olney

To commemorate Women’s Week on ISU’s campus two special art displays can be viewed in the Memorial Union.

The Union is featuring art exhibits by Dee Abdullah and Monika Pate this month which seem to break the mold of the typical art exhibits.

The two artists, which were chosen to compliment the observance of Women’s Week, are being featured in the Pioneer Room and the Gallery of the Memorial Union.

Abdullah’s exhibit runs through Oct. 29 and Pate’s through Oct. 31.

“Monika was chosen because her art has been very well received, plus she’s and up and coming artist.

“Dee is very active in the community and in fine arts and her art celebrates the creativity of women,” said Leslie Melvin, program advisor of arts.

Abdullah’s exhibit, which is titled “Dee’s People Collection,” features 30 original three-dimensional pieces.

The collection was designed to capture the essence of the African-American community through the artist’s eyes.

Although the exhibit focuses on the African-American community, it can be enjoyed by all cultures.

“My artwork has an ethnic focus which is different. The way the clothes and figures are displayed give them life force or feeling,” Abdullah said.

Pate takes a different approach with her exhibit, which is titled “Shadows and Light.” All her artwork is done entirely in watercolor. Pate feels she is unique from other watercolor artists because of the bright and vibrant color she uses in attempt to capture the shadows and light in nature.

The artists feel it is a compliment to have their work represent Women’s Week, which runs through Oct. 11.

They said their art represent women in all aspects but can be appreciated by both genders.

Both artists said their work will be shown in Ames again after the October viewing at the Union.