Annual meeting to include tour and field trips

Daily Staff Writer

The Iowa Chapter of the Nature Conservancy will hold its annual meeting on October 19, at the University of Iowa’s Memorial Union in Iowa City.

The keynote speaker at the meeting will be Dr. Stanley Temple who is considered a foremost conservation biologist and wildlife ecologist. He has had articles published in many specialized journals of ecology and conservation, including the prestigious magazines Science and Nature.

During the morning there will be a variety of informative presentations. Dr. James Dinsmore, professor of animal ecology at ISU and the author of “A Country So Full of Game,” and ISU graduate student William Norris will present.

In addition, Scott Moats, preserve manager at the Conservancy’s Broken Kettle Grasslands preserve, will give a presentation about the Conservancy’s stewardship activities.

Field trips to local nature preserves and a guided tour of the University of Iowa Museum of Natural History will conclude activities.

The annual meeting costs $45, which includes a continental breakfast, lunch and all activities. To register, contact the Iowa Field Office of the Nature Conservancy, (515) 244-5044.